Turnitin program is a web-based plagiarism prevention service that checks academic paper ex. theses, work manual, and papers for potential unoriginal content by comparing submitted files to several databases using a proprietary algorithm. Walailak University subscribe Turnitin to provide teachers, students, researcher and staffs within the University.

1. Teacher and Researcher Can Inform Name-Surname in English Language, email and School and send to email caporn@wu.ac.th or tel. 0 7567 3340 for generate account as an instructor, after that you will receive e-mail and can use Turnitin.
2. Student Can use Turnitin by request for Class ID and Enrollment Key that Instructor or Librarian add class (contact to received via nassara.ja@wu.ac.th or tel. 07567 3364 or add friend via LINE@, in case use Library’s Class

Check Plagiarism by Turnitin Service
Turnitin Eng