International Standard Book Number Services (ISBN, ISSN and CIP)
(Services for personnel in Walailak University)

        International Standard Book Number Services was established to seek ISBN from National Library. As ISBN is the international standard book number that is needed to be attached upon every single book’s title towards editions, it facilitates instructors and personnel of Walailak University to better gain ISBN.

Procedures to take a service

  1. Directly contact at Provision of Information Resources, via E-mail or Tel. 075-673340.
  2. Submit document files such as cover page, content page, or preface by submitting through E-mail
  3. Wait for the ISBN according to the channel provided.
  4. After the book has been printed, the service user shall deliver 2 copies of the book to the Book Procurement and Audiovisual Department National Library.

Note For eligible persons, students, lecturers, and staff of Walailak University.

How to request an ISBN yourself

        In the case that the user is convenient to do it by himself, he can contact and register himself via e-Service of the National Library of Thailand as follows:

  1. Visit the website of the National Library of Thailand.  >>Click<<
  2. Select subscribe and fill in the information before verifying by email.
  3. Log in and apply for receiving the ISBN the next day.
  4. After receiving ISBN, it can be forwarded to the publisher to make barcodes and pasted ISBN on the back cover of the book.