Audiovisual Equipment Services, CLM sale used and damaged goods details are 369 items

       On June 7, 2022  Audiovisual Equipment Services, CLM and Division of Property and Supplies, Walailak University sale used and damaged goods details are 369 items by auction method. There were 19 people registered to participate in the auction, Bid 26 times. The highest bidder bid at 120,000 baht, when the auction finished Division of Property and Supplies cut off the damaged goods from SAP system and inform to Division of Finance and Accounting, bring cash from the auction into the system to proceed according to the regulations of the university

       Sale used and damaged goods of defective equipment is an operate respond to policy 5S and Green Office policy of CLM. The equipment  that has been used for a long time, which maintained for use is not worth and require high maintained budget